IMP Forum – part of the Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing (JBIM)
In 2018, the IMP Journal merged with the Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing (JBIM).
This created the IMP Forum within JBIM.
The IMP Forum is therefore a special section within JBIM that is for IMP-related research. We publish up to 4 papers per issue. The IMP Forum has its own independent editorial team, and reviewers that are a part of the IMP community.
Please note that for your submission to be considered for publication in the IMP Forum, you need to select “IMP Forum” as a paper type when you submit your paper to JBIM. This ensures that the paper is then forwarded to the IMP editorial team.
Want to know more or submit your paper?
Each year, there is a Special Issue of the IMP Forum that is linked to the annual IMP Conference.
We also run an IMP Forum Seminar annually.
The IMP Journal was published as an independent journal between 2006 and 2014. The issues can be downloaded here.
After eight volumes as an independent publication the IMP Journal joined Emerald Group Publishing.
In 2018, the IMP Journal merged with the Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing (JBIM).
This resulted in the IMP Forum in JBIM.
More than 3300 works in our database. View all or search using the field above.
Voluntary Environmental and Social Initiatives in Supply Networks. The Case of a Global Machinery Producer
Viewing Supply Chain Integration with Knowledge-related Statements
VGM Amendment reveals port community as a business network
Variety, Stability and Learning in Technological Development Processes Across Firm Boundaries in the Construction Industry
Variety in transport service setting and the conditions for vehicle maintance
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On this page you will find some of the recent dissertations completed by IMP scholars. If you would like to publish your dissertation here, please get in touch with us!
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We are busy digitalizing the papers from the very first IMP conferences. They will be available to you here soon!