Merry Christmas!

As the activites of the year 2002 is coming to an end we’d like to wish you all a very merry christmas and a happy new year!

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Call for Papers – “New Priorities and Challenges for Business-to-Business Marketers”

August 5-6, 2004,
Harvard Business School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

The goal of the conference is to explore state-of-the-art
Business-to-Business Marketing issues. The ISBM research priorities listed below will guide the major themes of the conference. The committee welcomes papers that broadly address the following set of issues:
* Marketing as an Investment/ROI
* Marketing The Marketing Process
* Profitability Harnessing B-to-B eBusiness
* Managing Value Chains
* Managing Value Pricing
* Successful, Significant New Products
* Global vs. US/International Marketing

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Call for papers – Exchange Relationship Dissolution

Call for papers
Exchange Relationship Dissolution
Special Issue of Journal of Marketing Management

The theme of the special issue is a new research area within the field of marketing. Relationship-dissolution research has emerged within five marketing research approaches: Relationship Marketing, Interaction and Network Approach, Nordic School of Services Marketing, Channel Research, and Consumer Buyer Behaviour.

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The system for the papers has been updated to support papers that’s been published in other ways than on the IMP-conferences and in journals. Now the available options are Journal, IMP-conference, other conference, chapter in a book and unpublished. If you can think of any other option that would be useful, please let us know and we’ll add it. Also, please report any bugs that you find.

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New Nordic Course in Analysing Business Networks

A new course developed in cooperation between six Universities and Business schools is presented in the course section. The first course will take place in Fall 2004 and the second in 2005. Deadline for applying to take part in the first course is 1st of July 2004.

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New dissertation

On Friday the 24th of January Jesper Aastrup at Copenhagen Business School sucessfully defended his dissertation Networks Producing Intermodal Transport. The dissertation includes four empirical cases and a thourough discussion of a critical realist position! You can get a copy by contacting Jesper at CBS. E-mail

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Doctoral dissertation in Jyväskylä, Finland

On the 5th of March, Ricardo Madureira will defend his dissertation “The Role of Personal Contacts of Foreign Subsidiary Managers in the Coordination of Industrial Multinationals. The Case of Finnish Subsidiaries in Portugal”. Professor Mats Forsgren of Uppsala University is the opponent. For more information, please contact Ricardo at

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International Journal of Service Industry Management.
Special Issue: Global Outsourcing of Services

The special issue welcomes papers, ethnographic, and/or case studies from all areas of business related to the various issues involved in the global sourcing of services in different industries.
Articles submitted to the journal should be original contributions and should not be under consideration for any other publication at the same time. The reviewing process and the manuscript requirements are consistent with IJSIM requirements. Electronic manuscript submissions in PDF or Word format are strongly encouraged and should be emailed on or before 1st June, 2004 to any of the Guest Editors.

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