When in Rome, be(come) a Roman? Building organizational identities in networks

Authors: Lars Huemer

Organizational identity scholars claim that how one acts depend on who one is, and consequently that an organization’s identity affects its strategy. From an industrial network perspective, a firm’s strategic network identity has traditionally been seen as depending on who others are: i.e. a focal firm’s relationships define its identity. This work builds on the notion of ‘identities in networks’ and provides a balanced account of how organizational identities and strategies co-evolve with emerging network relations. Particular attention is given to distinguishing between actions/doings, and the ‘being’ of organizations. This is achieved with help of a longitudinal narrative case study, focusing on the development of a multinational corporation and one of its subsidiaries

Journal: n.a. (n.a. – n.a.)

Web Address: n.a.

Publish Year: 2012

Conference: Rome, Italy (2012)