Frans Prenkert

Board Member

Professor at the Örebro University School of Business, Sweden

Frans Prenkert is Professor of Business Administration at Örebro University. He holds the Subject Chair of business administration, the Chair of Örebro University Platform for a Sustainable Future and leads the research at the Center for Sustainable Business. He has been guest researcher at UC Berkeley, CA. His research centres around understanding the role of economic industrial networks in societal transformation and uses agent-based modelling and simulation. His research covers industrial networks, circular economy, transformational change, resource interaction and technology development. He has experience from international research in multidisciplinary teams. He serves as an advisory to the Swedish Government on decarbonisation of logistics, climate economics and on safe and sustainable cities. His research appears, amongst others, in British Journal of Management, Industrial Marketing Management, Journal of Business Research and European Journal of Marketing.

  • Örebro, Sweden