Call for Papers – “New Priorities and Challenges for Business-to-Business Marketers”

August 5-6, 2004,
Harvard Business School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

The goal of the conference is to explore state-of-the-art
Business-to-Business Marketing issues. The ISBM research priorities listed below will guide the major themes of the conference. The committee welcomes papers that broadly address the following set of issues:
* Marketing as an Investment/ROI
* Marketing The Marketing Process
* Profitability Harnessing B-to-B eBusiness
* Managing Value Chains
* Managing Value Pricing
* Successful, Significant New Products
* Global vs. US/International Marketing

Harvard Business School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

The Institute for the Study of Business Markets
The Center for Business and Industrial Marketing
The Harvard Business School
The American Marketing Association

Conference Website:

The goal of the conference is to explore state-of-the-art
Business-to-Business Marketing issues. The ISBM research priorities listed below will guide the major themes of the conference. The committee welcomes papers that broadly address the following set of issues:

* Marketing as an Investment/ROI
* Marketing The Marketing Process
* Profitability Harnessing B-to-B eBusiness
* Managing Value Chains
* Managing Value Pricing
* Successful, Significant New Products
* Global vs. US/International Marketing

Papers that are multi-disciplinary and ones that address emerging themes and trends are especially encouraged, as are papers that address important managerial problems.

We encourage scholars to submit a 3-5 page extended abstract of the paper in one of these areas by January 19, 2004. The abstracts that most closely address the conference themes will be presented in competitive sessions.
We welcome papers on other topics but they may be presented in a paper fair session. You will be notified of the paper’s acceptance to a competitive session or the paper fair by March 31, 2004. All accepted papers or abstracts will be published on the ISBM’s web site.

The B-to-B academic conference is being held at the Harvard Business School beginning with a reception on August 4th and ending at 1:00 pm on August 6th. This meeting is being held in conjunction with the 2004 American Marketing Association Summer Marketing Educators Conference in Boston, (August 6-9).

Robert Spekman and David Wilson are co-chairs for the B-to-B Academic
conference. The committee is James Anderson, David Ford, Hakkan
Hakkansson, Wesley Johnston, Gary Lilien, Das Narayandas, Jim Narus and Ralph Oliva.


Submissions should be made electronically in Microsoft Word or Adobe
Acrobat format. Please send your submissions via email attachment to the ISBM. Abstracts sent as attachments should be named B2B-yourlastname.doc. The title page should contain:

Paper title
Author(s)-identify the corresponding author
Academic Positions
University Affiliation
Contact Phone

In your cover letter, please state whether you want to publish the full
paper or an abstract. The full paper should be a Microsoft Word document, using a 12-point font. Papers should be prepared using the Journal of Marketing format.

Submit Abstracts to:

If your abstract is accepted, you must agree that one author of the
accepted paper will attend the conference and present the paper.
Successful papers will be published in full or in abstract form on the
ISBM’s web site.


The Conference Workshop fee is $225.00US early registration, $275.00US after May 1, 2004 for the one and one half day program. Registration for this workshop is separate from your registration for the AMA meeting, and is made directly with the ISBM. If you wish to participate and/or submit a paper, please see the registration information on the ISBM web site.

Additional information will be found at


The Inn at Harvard
1201 Massachusetts Avenue
Harvard Square
Cambridge, MA 02138
Phone: 617-491-2222
Reservations: 800-458-5886
Fax: 617-520-3711

The Inn is in close proximity to all Academic Conference Activities which
will be at Harvard Business School. Registrants should make their hotel
reservation as early as possible at the Inn at Harvard. Our group rate is
$159.00US/night plus tax. Mention group code ISB for this rate.


Contact the ISBM with questions and for more conference information:

The Institute for the Study of Business Markets
Smeal College of Business Administration
The Pennsylvania State University
402 Business Administration Building
University Park, PA 16802-3004
(814) 863-2782
(814) 863-0413 Fax