Applying network approach to commercialization of innovations: Case study on nets to create markets for innovations

Authors: Birgitta Sandberg; Leena Aarikka-Stenroos

Commercialization and market creation of an innovation is known to be a very demanding task. However, a network may help a firm in the commercialization efforts. The study analyses how network approach can contribute the commercialization of innovations. The study contributes to both innovation management and network research. The study describes and analyses with two cases, how the network approach can be applied to commercialization of a radical innovation and how such nets can be formed. Theoretical background of the study stems from network and innovation literature, referring to studies on industrial networks, strategic networks and innovation networks. Results indicate that commercialization nets could considered as strategic nets, marketing nets, innovation nets, issue-based nets and new business nets. The dissimilarity of network actors and the multidimensional structure of the network help in creating a market for a radical innovation. Trust, clear goal and agenda and commitment to the issue indicate successfulness of such network. Furthermore the study shows that the actors in the R&D network and the relations of these actors can be very important also later in the commercialization stage.

Journal: n.a. (n.a. – n.a.)

Web Address: n.a.

Publish Year: 2009

Conference: Marseille, France (2009)